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kindling temperature 著火溫度。


The result of the study testifies that the kindling temperature of lumps and scraps of pure magnesium is decided by their fusion temperatures ( the higher the fusing temperature , the higher the kindling temperature ) , and influenced by the heating velocity and the pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere ( the faster the heating and the lower the pressure , the lower the kindling temperature obtained from the experiment ) 研究結果表明,所測塊狀純鎂和鎂屑的燃點與其熔點有直接的對應關系(熔點高則燃點也相應增高) ,并受升溫速度、環境中氧的分壓的影響(升溫速度越快、氧的分壓越小,則所測燃點值越高) 。

In the article , the originator worked out the mechanism of magnesium - base alloys catching fire ; analyzed briefly the influence of the temperature , the heating velocity and the pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere on the lumps and scraps of pure magnesium ’ s catching fire , and designed a practical method to measure the kindling temperature of the lumps and scraps of pure magnesium precisely , with which the initial quantization of kindling temperature can be realized 本文圍繞鎂合金阻燃技術的開發作了許多基礎性的研究工作,通過分析大量的相關文獻和試驗結果,初步得出了塊狀鎂和鎂屑的燃燒機理,簡要分析了溫度、升溫速度、環境中氧的分壓對塊狀鎂和鎂屑的起火燃燒所產生的影響。設計出了精確度高、實用性強的塊狀鎂和鎂屑的燃點測試方法,使塊狀鎂和鎂屑的燃點得到初步的量化。

In this study , the kindling temperature of pure magnesium covered with the boronised substance and mg - al alloys , using the kindling temperature measuring method designed in this study , and exploring the boronised substance and aluminium ’ s influencings on the pure magnesium ’ s kindling temperature 應用本研究中所設計的燃點測試方法,對材料表面浸涂有硼化物的純鎂試樣和鎂-鋁合金試樣的燃點進行了測試,并通過大量試驗,探討了硼和鋁對鎂燃點的影響特點。